650 V IGBT with anti-parallel diode in TO-247 package
High Speed 650 V, 50 A hard-switching TRENCHSTOPTM IGBT5 co-packed with RAPID 1 fast and soft anti-parallel diode in a TO-247 package, is defined as "best-in-class" IGBT.
Summary of Features
650 V breakthrough voltage
Compared to best-in-class HighSpeed 3 family
Factor 2.5 lower Qg
Factor 2 reduction in switching losses
200mV reduction in VCEsat
Co-packed with Rapid Si-diode technology
Mild positive temperature coefficient VCEsat
Temperature stability of Vf
Best-in-class efficiency, resulting in lower junction and
case temperature leading to higher device reliability
50 V increase in the bus voltage possible without compromising
Higher power density design